Next life I will be a
little higher on the pecking order.
No longer a dishwasher at
the House of Pancakes,
or Ricky's All Day Grill,
or Sunday night small dog thief.
I will evolve into the
Prince of Bullfrogs, crickets don't bother,
swamp flies don't bother
me - I eat them. Alligators I avoid.
I urinate on lily pads,
mate across borders, continents at will.
Someone else from India
can wash my dishes locally for me.
Forward all complaints to
that religious office of Indian affairs.

Detective Poetic
Johnson Here
December 1st
detective Johnson
I see my shrink for the
1st time,
Im low maintenance,
one every 3 months,
Dr. Pennypecker. He
is tight ass conservative type
with a raisin dry
personality who tries to keep sober
and focused so he can
focus on me.
Im a grade 3
drop-out with a degree
in elementary school
I ask him how his children
I only have one,
lets focus on YOU!"
Nice haircut, Dr.
have you ever noticed how
the poor people
who usually come here, are
and they all can afford a
$60 a month cell phone?
Lets stay
I tell Dr. Pennypecker I
love Jesus, I love the Holy Ghost,
I love the Father; most of
these Mexicans do too.
With all these rain clouds
up above outside this window here,
I believe we are all
together until I pass.
Now that is
interesting, lets focus on that!
I tell Dr. Pennypecker
when I get upset about something
I know is my fault and I
do have problems
sleeping but I dont
dwell on that too much.
Lets focus on
Is 20 milligrams of
Citalopram, antidepressants, generic,
enough or should we cut it
Oh no, dont do that
Dr. Pennypecker. By the way, Dr. Pennypecker,
how do you cut your hair
in the back when you have your own Wal-Mart
Pro Clipper Haircutting
Kit set on # 2?
"I put a paper back there
and I put a mirror back there and I sort of do,
no, no, let's not focus on
I walk out the door ready
for my next appointment 3 months down the road.
I open the door for a
stranger ready for his appointment; I say, "have a good day."
He is so self-centered,
that his long hair and the way he moves back and forth
sways, swings, doesn't say
anything he is so damn self-absorbed in his own gray cloud.
This was my day with Dr.

I Edit my
I edit my life
clothesline pins &
hang to dry,
dirty laundry,
I turn poetic
in my early
reviewing the
and the sorrows
of my journey.
I find myself
a new review, a new
a new time
a new internet
a new planet
we small, wee
creatures can

Day Time Bitch &
Nighttime Whore (2)
Fern Dickson life untrue
to her marital vows, peachy,
what did you expect from
the Indiana Rockville whore?
Daddy was welder man,
sweat, bleeder bending
over hot steel rolls all
day, he was a verb man,
Oliver farmer, noun,
welder machine man.
Fern Dickson was a sneak
out the door whore, peachy,
2:30 pm. daily was her
homemaker check out time.
Waddling penguin style
down to Kubiaks bar
to write her own mystery
Demolition of their
marriage, started with table hopping at the bar,
peachy, free drinks and a
celebration of wholesale sex.
Narrative, family circles
and circuses run in the gypsies of whores,
daddy dog, dancing sin,
with the Rockville whore.
Daddy comes home from
angered at the burned
potato fries,
cold Sauerkraut, Bush's
fresh out of the can,
maple cured baked beans,
cold Cole Slaw, A&P grocery store.
Narrative, old prostitute
whore habits die-hard.
Coon hunting, fox hunting
daddy, Im the storyteller
of this Rockville, Indiana
Her brass tits suck then
stuck in the mouths of strangers at the local bar, peachy.
Fern has no regular job,
bar hopping, table jumping,
became her unemployment
check, salary, entertainment and career, peachy.
This cemetery now is
Archangel Lucifer, secretary, note taker
for the Rockville

Children in the Sky
There is a full
distant in this sky
Gray planets
on an aging white,
Children, living and
love the moon with small
Those in heaven already
take gold thread,
drop the moon down for us
all to see.
Those alive with us, look
out their
bedroom windows
we smile, then prayers,
then sleep.

Lilly, Lonely Trailer
Prostitute (V2)
Paint your face with
cosmetic smiles.
Toss your breast around
with synthetic plastic.
Dont leak single
secrets to strangers-
locked in your trailer 8
foot wide by 50 foot long
with twisted carrots,
cucumbers, weak batteries,
and colorful
dildos-youve even given them names:
Adamss pleasure
skin, big Ben on the raise, Rasputin:
the Mad Monk - oh no, no,
Your legs hang with the
signed signatures
of playboys and drifters
The lot rent went up again
this year.
Paint your face, walk the
again with cosmetic