You Wait
I wont unlock this splintered door for you
buzzards scream at casement windows.
Sparrows gather bugs from under trees
I remember. You mind. You stand outside,
complain again, gather
dust on threadbare shoulders.
A breeze lifts strands of mountain rope-hair
off your head, they dance in moonlight,
smoothed by my own hand, you
hope. Soon.
If you come in again, once buzzard memories pass
sparrow thoughts roam off to other times,
youd hand your clothes to
me through
gaping holes in walls. You swore youd fix them
yesterday when I rejected your return.
At our gate a crow beats wings
in air,
his head and beak suspended,
aimed at roving sunsets, breast
blackened light and dark ideas
while earthworms wriggle
under fallen leaves.
Always standing silent, then and now,
your hands
in pocket, eyes turned downward,
morning gone, dusted shoulders, august
birds attending, mouth agape, empty holes
closet skeletons,
entrance barred,
tomorrow dropped like yesterday,
you wait.
Wasted at Dawn
You stand there old man, hunched, and babyfine hairs dance
under tiny wind gusts that break round the corner of the building you lean
against, older, older even than you, but it stands better, sandblasted often,
painted, bronzed statues patinaed as you know you will never be. You wait, wait
again, for a calling that never comes, nevermore, always pulls at your heart
though, eh? Poor man, poor baby, have another drink, twist that soft
brass-colored plastic from round the bottle-neck, slug it down, fine aged wine,
maybe a week, maybe forever, she waits too. Dawn waits too, but not for you,
never again, those days of splendor, nights of unrivals, sweat dripped off your
face, onto her neck and she rubbed it down her throat, over her breasts, licked
her fingers. Never again. Lean harder on those bricks, that bronze Eros, slam
Night Train, you will be wasted as Dawn rises, from her bed too, from the east,
always the east. Nevermore.
Scaling Down
scaling down on clitter clatter
and other things that just
don't matter:
deli subs that made me fatter
boring gossip, idle
ruby slippers, crazed mad hatter
fragile heart, so it won't
bruising eye from asshole batter
swollen lip I wish was
silent footfall, slumberous patter
I run fast, my secrets
from all the senseless stupid natter
angry words that jump and
around inside my bruised grey matter.
Now this quiet, just a
- scraps of memory, a random tatter
of silly things that might
just matter